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ridiculous logo about hating and flowing

Reusable, opinionated, zero-conf workflows for GitHub actions


Getting Started

Open a PR with the following changes to test and enable Flowzone:

  1. Create .github/workflows/flowzone.yml (see Usage) in a new Draft Pull Request to avoid changing branch protection rules.
  2. Ensure your package.json, docker-compose.test.yml, balena.yml, etc. contain correct information and all tests are passing.
  3. Mark the Pull Request as Ready for Review and re-run the checks via the Checks or Actions panel. New branch protection rules will be applied and this requires admin access to revert!
  4. Seek approval or self-certify!


name: Flowzone

types: [opened, synchronize, closed]
branches: [main, master]
# allow external contributions to use secrets within trusted code
types: [opened, synchronize, closed]
branches: [main, master]

name: Flowzone
uses: product-os/flowzone/.github/workflows/flowzone.yml@master
# prevent duplicate workflow executions for pull_request and pull_request_target
if: |
github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository &&
github.event_name == 'pull_request'
) || (
github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name != github.repository &&
github.event_name == 'pull_request_target'

# Workflows in the same org or enterprise can use the inherit keyword to implicitly pass secrets
secrets: inherit

# Otherwise you must manually specify which secrets to pass
# GitHub App to generate ephemeral access tokens
# Required: false

# .. or Personal Access Token (PAT) with admin/owner permissions in the org.
# Required: false

# The npm auth token to use for publishing
# Required: false

# Username to publish to the Docker Hub container registry
# Required: false

# Deprecated, use DOCKERHUB_USER instead
# Required: false

# A personal access token to publish to the Docker Hub container registry
# Required: false

# Deprecated, use DOCKERHUB_TOKEN instead
# Required: false

# API key for pushing releases to balena applications
# Required: false

# Deprecated, use BALENA_API_KEY instead
# Required: false

# A personal access token to publish to a cargo registry
# Required: false

# Optional base64 encoded docker-compose `.env` file for testing Docker images
# Required: false

# Cloudflare account ID
# Required: false

# Cloudflare API token with limited access for Pages projects
# Required: false

# Token to publish to
# Required: false

# Token to publish to
# Required: false

# API key to post Zulip messages.
# Required: false

# Optional secret for using with custom jobs
# Required: false

# Optional secret for using with custom jobs
# Required: false

# Optional secret for using with custom jobs
# Required: false

# API key for Dependency-Track integration
# Required: false

# AWS region with GitHub OIDC provider IAM configuration
# Type: string
# Required: false
aws_region: ${{ vars.AWS_REGION || '' }}

# AWS IAM role ARN to assume with GitHub OIDC provider
# Type: string
# Required: false
aws_iam_role: ${{ vars.AWS_IAM_ROLE || '' }}

# AWS CloudFormation templates to deploy (e.g.)
# ```
# {
# "stacks": [
# {
# "name": "foo",
# "template": "aws/bar.yaml",
# "tags": [
# "Name=foo",
# "Environment=${FOO}"
# ],
# "capabilities": [
# ]
# },
# ...
# ]
# }
# ```
# * assumes `aws/bar.yaml` exists.
# * `${ENVVARS}` injected at runtime from `vars` and `secrets` contexts
# Type: string
# Required: false

# GitHub App id to impersonate
# Type: string
# Required: false
app_id: ${{ vars.APP_ID || '291899' }}

# GitHub App installation id
# Type: string
# Required: false
installation_id: ${{ vars.INSTALLATION_ID || '34040165' }}

# Ephemeral token scope(s)
# Type: string
# Required: false
token_scope: >
"administration": "write",
"contents": "write",
"metadata": "read",
"packages": "write",
"pages": "write",
"pull_requests": "read"

# Timeout for the job(s).
# Type: number
# Required: false
jobs_timeout_minutes: 360

# GitHub actions working directory
# Type: string
# Required: false
working_directory: .

# Comma-delimited string of Docker images (without tags) to publish (skipped if empty)
# Type: string
# Required: false

# Comma-delimited string of Docker buildx bake targets to publish (skipped if empty)
# Type: string
# Required: false
bake_targets: default

# Invert the tags for the Docker images (e.g. `{tag}-{variant}` becomes `{variant}-{tag}`)
# Type: boolean
# Required: false
docker_invert_tags: false

# Publish platform-specific tags in addition to multi-arch manifests (e.g.
# `product-os/flowzone:latest-amd64`)
# Type: boolean
# Required: false
docker_publish_platform_tags: false

# balenaCloud environment
# Type: string
# Required: false

# Comma-delimited string of balenaCloud apps, fleets, or blocks to deploy (skipped if empty)
# Type: string
# Required: false

# Comma-delimited string of Rust stable targets to publish (skipped if empty)
# Type: string
# Required: false
cargo_targets: >

# Version specifier (e.g. 1.65, stable, nigthly) for the toolchain to use when building Rust
# sources
# Type: string
# Required: false
rust_toolchain: stable

# Set to true to publish Rust binary release artifacts to GitHub
# Type: boolean
# Required: false
rust_binaries: false

# Set to true to enable terminal emulation for test steps
# Type: boolean
# Required: false
pseudo_terminal: false

# Set to true to disable automatic versioning
# Type: boolean
# Required: false
disable_versioning: false

# JSON array of runner label strings for default jobs.
# Type: string
# Required: false
runs_on: >

# JSON key-value pairs mapping platforms to arrays of runner labels. Unlisted platforms will
# use `runs_on`.
# Type: string
# Required: false
docker_runs_on: {}

# JSON array of runner label strings for cloudformation jobs.
# Type: string
# Required: false

# Setting this to your existing CF pages project name will generate and deploy a website.
# Skipped if empty.
# Type: string
# Required: false

# Set to false to disable building a docusaurus website. If false the script `npm run
# deploy-docs` will be run if it exists.
# Type: boolean
# Required: false
docusaurus_website: true

# Finalize releases on merge.
# Type: boolean
# Required: false
github_prerelease: false

# Do not execute custom actions for external contributors. Only remove this restriction if
# custom actions have been vetted as secure.
# Type: boolean
# Required: false
restrict_custom_actions: true

# JSON matrix strategy for the custom test action. Properties 'environment' and 'os' will be
# applied to the job.
# Type: string
# Required: false

# JSON matrix strategy for the custom publish action. Properties 'environment' and 'os' will
# be applied to the job.
# Type: string
# Required: false

# JSON matrix strategy for the custom finalize action. Properties 'environment' and 'os'
# will be applied to the job.
# Type: string
# Required: false

# Deprecated. Add the 'os' property in custom_test_matrix, custom_publish_matrix, and
# custom_finalize_matrix instead.
# Type: string
# Required: false

# Set to false to disable toggling auto-merge on PRs.
# Type: boolean
# Required: false
toggle_auto_merge: true

# Require a label before running checks for external contributions (forks).
# Type: string
# Required: false
ok_to_test_label: ok-to-test

# Create git tags and a PR comment with detailed change log.
# Type: boolean
# Required: false
release_notes: false

# Set a max parallel value for ALL matrix strategy jobs.
# Type: number
# Required: false
max_parallel: 20

# Generate a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for the release.
# Type: boolean
# Required: false
generate_sbom: true


Flowzone only supports merging with a merge commit. This option is shown as Merge pull request on an in-progress PR.

Avoid using Squash and merge or Rebase and merge as these methods will result in a new commit SHA not matching anything from the original PR. This would prevent Flowzone from finding and finalizing existing draft artifacts.

You can read more about the available merge methods here.

External Contributions

Flowzone supports external contributions (ie. PRs from forks) to your repository by using pull_request_target events in addition to pull_request. This allows access to secrets normally available to members of the organization or the repository.

To mitigate the risk of secrets being exposed by malicious pull requests, we have taken the following steps in the Flowzone workflow.

  • Trusted code includes the Flowzone workflow itself and cannot be modified by pull requests.
  • Untrusted or arbitrary code can be called by Flowzone (eg. npm scripts) but does not expose any secrets in the environment at these points.
  • Custom actions are disabled for external contributors by default and can be enabled via restrict_custom_actions after the custom action has been vetted to not leak secrets to untrusted code.

See the usage examples to get started and allow external contributions to your repo.

Commit Message

Skipping Workflow Runs

Workflows that would otherwise be triggered using on: push or on: pull_request won't be triggered if you add any of the following strings to the commit message in a push, or the HEAD commit of a pull request:

[skip ci]
[ci skip]
[no ci]
[skip actions]
[actions skip]

Alternatively, you can end the commit message with two empty lines followed by either:

skip-checks: true

You won't be able to merge the pull request if your repository is configured to require specific checks to pass first. To allow the pull request to be merged you can push a new commit to the pull request without the skip instruction in the commit message.

For further reading please check Github Skipping Workflow Documentation.

Supported project types

Note that these project types are not mutually exclusive, and your project may execute one or more of the following.


These tests will be run if a package.json file is found in the root of the repository. If a package-lock.json or an npm-shrinkwrap.json file is found in the root of the repository, dependencies will be installed with npm ci, otherwise npm i will be used. If a build script is present in package.json it will be called before the tests are run. Testing is done by calling npm test.

Multiple LTS versions of Node.js will be tested as long as they meet the range defined in engines in package.json. Node.js 16.x will be used for testing if engines are not defined.

To disable publishing of artifacts set "private": true in package.json.


If docker-compose.test.yml is found in the root of the repository, Flowzone will test your project using Docker compose. If a docker-compose.yml is also found they will be merged.

The result of the test is determined by the exit code of the sut service. Typically, the sut container will execute your e2e or integration tests and will exit on test completion.

If you need to provide environment variables to the compose environment you can add a repository secret called COMPOSE_VARS that should be a base64 encoded .env file. This will be decoded and written to a .env file inside the test worker at runtime.

WARNING: The COMPOSE_VARS secret is not well protected from leaking and we recommend alternate methods where possible (issue).

To enable publishing of Docker artifacts set the docker_images input to correct value of docker image repositories without tags - eg

For advanced Docker build options, including multi-arch, add one or more Docker bake files to your project.

To publish multiple image variants, set the bake_targets input to the name of each target in the Docker bake file(s). All targets except default will have the target name prefixed to the tags - eg. v1.2.3, debug-v1.2.3.

An example of multiple bake targets can be found here


If a balena.yml file is found in the root of the repository Flowzone will attempt to push draft releases to your fleet's slug(s) and finalize on merge.

This will require either your organization or your repository to have a balenaCloud API key set as a secret named BALENA_API_KEY. If you intend to set the secret at the org level then make sure that the API key is valid for all repositories in that organization. A repository-level secret will override an organization-level secret. This API key will be used to login into balena-cli and push draft releases to your fleet in balenaCloud.

To disable publishing of releases to balenaCloud set balena_slugs to "".


  1. Start with something simple, balena-python-hello-world
  2. Push to multiple fleets, check out balena-supervisor.

Python (with Poetry)

Python tests will be run if a pyproject.toml file is found in the root of the repository and Poetry is used as a package manager.

Multiple versions (>=3.7, <3.11) of Python will be tested as long as they meet the range in the pyproject.toml file.

If your pyproject.toml file contains a packages property under [tool.poetry] tag, this package will also be deployed to PyPI registry on master and PyPI test registry on PRs.


If a Cargo.toml file is found in the root of the repository, Flowzone will run tests on the code formatting (using cargo fmt and cargo clippy) and then run tests for a set of target architectures given in cargo_targets. In order to disable Rust testing, set the value of that variable to "".

For cross building targets, flowzone uses cross. This also means that further build options (e.g. pre-build hooks) can be defined by adding a Cross.toml file to the local repository.

When rust_binaries is set to true, Flowzone will also build release artifacts for each target architecture given in cargo_targets and upload the artifacts to the GitHub release.


Flowzone will look for any artifacts created with the name gh-release-${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || }} and upload all files found to a draft release matching the branch name. Custom flowzone actions can use this namespace for publishing extra artifacts.

On finalizing the release, Flowzone will edit the release to make it final an add the commit information to the release notes.


Note: Custom Flowzone actions are not a guaranteed stable interface and should be merged to Flowzone core when possible.

If any composite actions are found at the following paths they will be executed automatically at the described stages of the workflow.

├── actions
│ ├── clean
│ │ └── action.yml
│ ├── finalize
│ │ └── action.yml
│ ├── publish
│ │ └── action.yml
│ └── test
│ │ └── action.yml
│ └── always
│ └── action.yml
└── workflows
├── flowzone.yml

A test action will run in parallel to any other supported project tests. See test/action.yml for an example.

A publish action will run after all the supported tests have completed. See publish/action.yml for an example.

A finalize action will run after a pull request is merged. See finalize/action.yml for an example.

A clean action will run after a pull request is closed (including merged). See clean/action.yml for an example.

An always action will run (always), even if the workflow is cancelled.

More interfaces may be added in the future. Open an issue if you have a use case that is not covered!


As long as versioning is not explicitly disabled via disable_versioning then Flowzone will attempt run balena-versionist directly on the PR's source.

If you have VersionBot3 installed it will be ignored as far as versioning is concerned, so no need to disable it.


If you have an npm run doc script then it will automatically be run and the generated docs folder will be published to a docs branch for github pages use.


If you have docs that you intend to publish on a website, checkout the Getting Started section of the Docusaurus builder. The docs will be built using the Docusaurus framework and published on Cloudflare Pages.

If you intend to use a custom framework for your docs build, then you can make use of the custom website build option by adding your desired build command in a input called custom_website_build. This command should generate your static site into a folder called build which will then be deployed to Cloudflare Pages.


If you're having trouble getting the project running, submit an issue or post on the forums.


Please open an issue or submit a pull request with any features, fixes, or changes.